System Management

System Error Inquiry (SMI650)–Error Reporting Enhancements

The FACST error reporting process was enhanced with the 9.1.0 release.

A new file, SMERRI, which contains screen images of errors, was implemented and SMERRS was updated with new fields and keys. A new program, System Error Inquiry (SMI650), is now used to view and sort FACTS' program lines that have errors. Filter and display values include company, user, program ID, line number, error number, user ID, exit status or date range. The browser lines include this information: date, tie, company name and number, user id and name, program name and number, line number, error code and description, status, screen guid and fid, and terminal description.

The System Management tab of System Clean Up F/M (SMF993) was also updated to specify how long to retain system error records.

A new alert, Error Alert (Alert Code: ERROR), is called/recorded when an error occurs in FACTS. You can access the Alert Control Center to view and optionally dismiss this alert. The Error alert is sent to provide visibility that an error occurred and the error can be viewed in System Error Inquiry, provided the user has security to access this program.

Generic Data Changer (SMU940)–Data Class Changer Program Enhancement

A new Generic Data Changer (SMU940) program is available to modify one data class at a time. This program cannot be run until all users, except for the user performing the data class update, are locked out of the system via User Management (SME900). Before accessing the Generic Data Changer, additional processing verifies this step has occurred. The user performing the data class update should give themselves a free pass in User Management before locking users out of the company in which the update is taking place. Display FACTS so you see your user code in User Management at all times during this process. Anytime you lock users out you should leave User Management running. If you sign out all users, no one can get back to the User Management to allow users back into FACTS (by clicking Comp In). Further it is recommended you perform these actions at the company level, using the Comp Out function instead of the All Out function and giving the data class update user a free pass at the company level instead a free pass for all companies. When all data class updates are complete, right click the user line in the browser and select Clear all users’ free passes to clear the user’s free-pass access.

Only the data classes that are displayed in the Data Class Search box are eligible for the change. If a data class is not listed, you cannot change it. Special cases are explained are displayed on-screen for data classes with special circumstances for change. For example, the same ship-to code can be used for multiple customers. The data class, ship to, is changed for all customers who have the specified ship-to code. If you do not want to change the ship-to code for all customers do not use this program. Additionally you cannot modify a ship to code to a value that is already setup for any customer.

Note: This program is not available if ION (Use ION check box) or EWMS (EW-Warehouse Management check box) is enabled in Company Control F/M (SMF920).

Data Class Control Entry (SME640)–Force Upper Case Enhancement

New company-specific options for whether to force uppercase and whether to use auto-complete on certain fields are available in FACTS 9.1.0 via a new program, Data Class Control Entry (SME640). System administrators can select an established Data Class and indicate whether or not to force uppercase and/or use auto-complete for that data.

(Note that users are able to turn off Auto-Complete in User Preferences.)

When attempting to change a Data Class to force uppercase, all existing data is checked to verify that it is all already all uppercase. If any existing data has any lowercase or mixed-case values, the information is displayed and must be updated to all uppercase before the force uppercase option can be set. Before starting this process, be aware that the process of checking all existing data could take some time and ensure you have allotted enough time. Once all existing data issues are resolved and the force uppercase option is set, it is immediately effective across the entire product.

Technical Notes

The Auto-Complete Prefix has changed, causing all pre-existing auto-complete entries for each user to no longer be effective. Any modifications relative to the infor.auc file will have to be revisited.

Additionally, some of the Auto-Complete Prefix values have been changed (e.g. Customer and Item).

The force uppercase option relies on all relevant metadata being up to date and accurate.

Note that no individual prefix value should be longer than 20 characters.

Prerequisite Setup

First, the Data Class must be setup in Data Class F/M (DOF950). All standard Data Classes are present, but if you have custom data that you want to force to uppercase, you should create a Data Class for it.

For force uppercase to work, the Auto-Complete Prefix must be entered in Data Element Class F/M (DOF950). It will be used to tie the Prompts to the correct Data Class, i.e. the SMPRMT record’s Auto-Complete Prefix field will be checked against the Data Class Auto-Complete Prefix when determining whether that prompt should force uppercase.

Second, all DO entries in File Layout Entry (DOE120) must have been assigned the proper Data Class. Again, all standard data will be assigned, but if you have custom data files defined that include fields for existing or custom Data Classes, you should be sure that the entries have the Class assigned.

Some fields in DO are comprised of elements, like the key to a file, that contain a Data Class value but the entire field is not that element. In these cases, a special Data Class should be assigned (Complex), and an entry added to SMC999.EXT to define how to find the data class value within the complex field.

Additionally, some fields in DO can be multiple elements based on the value of an alternate field (e.g. it is sometimes a Customer # and sometimes a Vendor number). In these cases, a special Data Class should be assigned (Multiple), and multiple entries added to SMC999.EXT to define when it is one data class vs. another.

Note that the assignment of the special data classes Complex and Multiple are not required. They are there to help a person looking at the DO entry to know something about that field.

Finally, each SMPRMT record where the user will be entering one of the defined Data Classes (custom or standard) must have the Auto-Complete Prefix set to the same Auto-Complete Prefix defined in the corresponding Data Class in Prompt Entry (SMC002)-Prompt Characteristics tab.

If you have custom SMPRMT records for any of the defined Data Classes, you must be sure that the Auto-Complete Prefix is properly set or the force uppercase will not be enforced in your SMPRMT records.

The Auto-Complete field is ignored for all SMPRMT records whose Prefix is defined in a Data Class.

Some fields serve multiple purposes (e.g. Beginning and Ending values for a report can change based on the order selected). In these cases, the Update AC Prefix option should be set on the SMPRMT record, and the AC Prefix should use a tbl() function to set it correctly.

User Management Access Privileges Enhancement

The User Management (SME900) program was enhanced to ensure at least user in a FACTS able to access User Management when all users have been locked out of the system.

In User Code F/M (SMF410) a new check box, User Management Access, allows a user access to the User Management program as the restoring user when the All Out or Comp Out functions have locked all users out of FACTS. When checked, this user code and password will access User Management to restore access for all other users. When all users have been kicked out of FACTS via User Management, the message: Proceed to User Management? is displayed at log in. Click OK and specify the user code and password that has User Management Access privileges. In User Management, click All In.

Note: Infor recommends that at least one user have this check box checked and this user code and password documented for access.

When the All Out or Comp Out functions are clicked in User Management, enhanced processing now checks to ensure at least user has User Management Access privileges. If there is no user who has User Management Access privileges in User Code F/M (SMF410), a warning message is displayed and you cannot click All Out.

Additionally the All Out processing now checks at the company level for users with free passes to companies. If s user has a free pass for a company the All Out function no longer removes the user from the specified FACTS company.

System Management changes–CenPOS

Company Control F/M (SMF920)

Company Control F/M was modified so CenPOS is the only credit card processor option available in the Credit Card Processor field. The Currency Code prompt was also modified; the ISO standard currency code for this company is now used when publishing XML and for CenPOS credit card processing, and does not change the prompts throughout FACTS, nor does it imply that FACTS is capable of handling multiple currencies, tracking conversion rates, etc. If this company is transmitting Level III data to CenPOS, you must specify one of the active ISO 4217 Currency Codes which is populated into the <Destinationcountrycode> during Level III transmissions. For more information about ISO 4217 Currency Codes, refer to